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401 Kildaire Road
Chapel Hill, NC, 27516
United States

919 929-3585

Chapel Hill Day Care Center is a full day early childhood education program for children 8 weeks old to 5 years. Accreditation through the National Association for the Education of Young Children assures parents that we follow best practices based on research about how children develop and learn, and the environment and interactions that best support learning.


Administrators and Board of Directors

The Chapel Hill Day Care Center is led by an experienced, qualified staff and an engaged Board of Directors.


Ms. Latasha


Latasha has a BS in Early Childhood Education from the University of Mount Olive and over 20 years of experience in early care and education programs, including 5 years’ administrative experience. Her goal as CHDCC’s Director is to support families and staff and to ensure that Chapel Hill Day Care Center always strives for excellence and enhanced quality of care for our children. She believes that children deserve to have a safe, stimulating environment in which to learn and grow and that they learn best when engaged in play and active hands-on activities. She finds working in the child care field rewarding and satisfying especially because she gets to form relationships with children over time. Latasha describes herself as patient and caring and, in her free time, likes to travel, shop and spend time with her family. Latasha can be reached at

Ms. Nakisha

Assistant Director

Nakisha has been in the early care and education field for 14 years and she has worked with children of all ages. She has an Associate's Degree and a Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Education and has completed her Birth through Kindergarten teaching licensure. She also has a Master’s degree in Leadership, Policy, and Advocacy. Nakisha became an early childhood educator because she loves working with children and watching them grow.  She states, that in her role as Assistant Director, she is excited and ready to help families in a different way outside of the classroom.  Nakisha says that her main goal is to make sure that the children and families are happy and have the best child care experiences possible. In her downtime, she like to shop and travel. Nakisha can be reached at

Ms. Keona

Keona previously worked at CHDCC in 2012 is a teacher. She left in 2018 to pursue her career in the school system working in Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools. Keona would always come back to CHDCC in the Summer to help out in the classrooms. How she is returning to the center to work fulltime as the Administrative Assistant. She has worked in childcare since 2002, which amounts to 22 years of experience and knowledge in child development. Keona stated, “Shaping young minds has always been a passion of mine.” She also looks forward to helping the staff, parents and our main reason we are all here, the children. Keona can be reached at

Board of Directors

The Board Chair can be reached at

The Board meets on the 2nd Monday of each month from 7:30-9:00 PM. 

Current Parents: If you would like to attend a meeting check an Administrator or another Board member for the location of the current month's meeting. Please let us know if you are interested in participation on the Board or would like to be involved in fundraising, marketing and advertising, teacher appreciation, facilities management, or have other ideas for parent involvement. We welcome and encourage your involvement to continue making CHDCC the best program for young children and their families.                                                 

Kate Vanneman Scheidler, Secretary                        (Parent)

Priscilla Guild, Vice Chair                        (Community)

Gordon Daughtry, Treasurer                                (Community)

 Adrienne Erickcek, Chair (Parent)                                 



 Shannon Jordan                                                     (Community)

Shantae Marley (Teacher)                                                

Latasha Garner (Director)

Nakisha Elliott (Assistant Director)